The office will be permanently closed July 31, 2021. For all records or information please call
Dr. Battle’s Recommended Doctors
Dr. Steven Hotz = 281-698-8698
Dr. Shezi Kirmani - 346-240-4911
Dr. Peter Osborne - 281-265-3993
Dr. John Throwbridge - 281-540-2329
Acupuncture Lucia Cordua - 713-542-0886
We are a full service integrative medical practice.
Our mission is to assist the body through natural means to heal itself without surgery or drugs, where possible. Take the first step towards healing.
We provide natural treatments for:
Our Therapies & Methods of Assessment are




Robert M. Battle, M.D.
For sixteen years, Dr. Battle performed surgery and delivered babies as most family physicians do. In 1984, he learned of preventive medicine through chelation therapy and good nutritional alternatives versus the frequent side effects of synthetic pharmaceuticals. Since then, he has focused attention on treating the cause of disease as opposed to merely treating symptoms.
What is Integrative Medicine?
The Integrative approach to wellness has one goal in mind: to return your body to optimum health, using all means available by focusing on the non-invasive approaches of alternative; nutritional, and natural therapies Dr. Battle’s training and early years as a conventional physician, coupled with his extensive education in and practice of holistic methods of diagnosis and therapy all come together at Comprehensive Health Center. His approach doesn’t focus on a single therapy, but combines the best, most effective and efficient treatments the world of natural healing has to offer.

Watch the Meeh’s share their experience with Dr. Battle.
Dr. Richard Bartlett | ACWT Interview 7.2.20
Methods of Assessment
Our simple non-invasive tests determine the root cause of a health problem.
Autonomic Response Testing
A simple safe, natural method of analyzing the body’s structural, physical and nutritional needs.
Biological Terrain Assessment
Measures pH, reduction-oxidation potential and resistivity of body fluids to quickly and effectively spot problems standard laboratory tests do not measure.
Heart Rate Variability
An elegant, safe, non-invasive and extremely accurate assessment of autonomic nervous system integrity as it tends to maintain balance and harmony in the internal environment.
A non-invasive, no-risk, rapid, accurate test to assist in detection of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and arrhythmia (irregular heart beat).
Computerized Regulation Thermography
A sensitive non-invasive test to give us insight on focal areas of disease/illness.
Learn more about integrative alternative medicine.

"I have my life back!"