Integrative Medicine
The Natural Approach to Family Medicine
Human beings consist of Body, Mind and Soul inextricably bound as one, and each should be treated to maintain health and harmony. Our mission is to assist the body through natural means to heal itself without surgery or drugs, where possible.
Healthy Roots Make a Healthy Tree
Dr. Battle focuses attention on treating the root cause of disease as opposed to merely treating symptoms.

At the Comprehensive Health Center in Houston, we believe that holistic medicine helps the body heal more naturally and efficiently. Our holistic doctors all have their medical degrees from accredited colleges and universities and have years of experience in integrative therapy. Our integrative physicians work with you to help treat you naturally, getting you back on track more quickly than with medication or surgery. As one of the best integrative health centers, Comprehensive Health combines traditional holistic therapy with modern advancements in alternative medicine. You can trust that the natural health experts at Comprehensive can get you back to normal in no time at all. Keep scrolling to meet our holistic medicine physicians and explore this page to see what the Comprehensive Health Center can do for you. Contact Comprehensive Health Center at our Houston location to answer any questions or to schedule your next appointment.
Your Support Team
Robert M. Battle, M.D.
Executive Trustee
Roberto Mejia
Assistant to Dr. Battle
Chad Crabtree
I.V. Infusion Specialist
Bridgette Thomas
Front Office Coordinator
Mary Ann Scardino
Administrative Assistant
- Bursting with Energy Frank Shallenberger, M.D., H.M.D. Forward by Johnothan Wright, M.D.
- Colon Health - The Key to a Vibrant Life Dr. Norman W. Walker
- Growth Hormone - The Methuselah Factor James Jamieson & Dr. L.E. Dorman with Valerie Marriott
- Dietary Fats & Fatty Acids in Human Healthcare Nigel Plummer, PhD
- Reversing Human Aging Michael Fossel, PhD, M.D.
- Prolo Your Pain Away! Ross A. Hauser, M.D. with Marion A. Hauser, R.D., Kurt Pottinger
- Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
- Neural Therapy According to Huneke (Regulating Therapy) Brief Summary for Patients, Haug Publishers
- What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You Don Colbert, M.D.
- The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough Burt Berkson, M.D., PhD
- Introducing Anthroposophical Medicine Lecture Rudolf Steiner
- Facts about Neural Therapy Peter Dosch, M.D.
- Ginger - Common Spice & Wonder Drug Paul Schulick
- How to Deal with Back Pain & Rheumatoid Joint Pain F. Batmanghelidj
- Hypoglycemia William G. Cook, M.D.
- Protein Power Michael R Eades, M.D. & Mary Dan Eades, M.D.
- Questions from the Heart Terry Chappell, M.D.
- The Vaccine Guide Randal Neustaedter
- You Are What You Ate S. Rogers, M.D.
- Toxic Time Bomb Sam Ziff
- Tired or Toxic? Sherry A. Roger, M.D.
- The Relaxation Response Herbert Benson, M.D.
- The Yeast Connection William G. Cook, M.D.
- Fluoride The Aging Factor Dr. John Yiamouyiannis
- Elements Of Danger - Protect Yourself Against the Hazards of Modern Dentistry Morton Walker, D.P.M.
- Dental Mercury Detox San Ziff, Michael F. Ziff, D.D.S., Mats Hanson, PhD
- Bypassing Bypass Elmer Cranton, MD
- Chelation Therapy & Other Heart Savers Harold & Arline Brecher
- Chelation Therapy Dr. Martin Dayton, M.D., D.O.
- The Chelation Way - The Complete Book of Chelation Therapy Dr. Morton Walker

"I have my life back!"