Holistic Clinic Therapy Doctor
The only side effect of our nontoxic natural medicine is feeling better.

Nutritional Supplementation
Nutritional supplementation therapy or vitamin mineral intravenous treatment can replenish those lost in chronic digestive disorders as well as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, and candida to mention a few. This nutritional vitamin mineral treatment therapy is cost effective, and beneficial to the body without the side effects of prescription drugs. Click Holistic Nutritional Vitamin Mineral Therapy Doctor here to read our holistic reviews for Doctor Battle, MD
Objection #1 – “Supplements are unproven without scientific evidence.”
This is simply not true. Every year, thousands of studies are published on the use of nutritional vitamin mineral treatment and other supplements in the prevention and treatment of disease.
There are textbooks and periodicals on nutritional supplementation therapy, and thousands of well-referenced books. Our own government’s National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements maintains a huge database of bibliographical citations and abstracts from published international scientific literature on supplements. If you search the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s website, you’ll find tens of thousands of abstracts on nutritional vitamin mineral treatment and supplements.
Objection #2 – “Using supplements is dangerous.”
Supplements are exceptionally safe – in fact, they’re infinitely safer than prescription drugs. In a typical year, more than 100,000 Americans die of adverse effects from medications used exactly as prescribed.
Guess how many die from “dangerous” nutritional vitamin mineral treatment supplements? Zero.
Objection #3 – “If supplements work so well, why aren’t all doctors using them?”
Just because conventional physicians aren’t widely using supplements doesn’t mean they aren’t effective. Doctors are trained in the use of pharmaceuticals, not nutrients, so many of them are unaware of the benefits of supplements. Others are simply biased against them.
Then there’s the profit factor.
Nutritional vitamin mineral treatments, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and anything else found in nature cannot be patented. It they could be patented, they’d have been claimed by the pharmaceutical industry and marketed as expensive drugs long, long ago. Because natural therapies have no patent protection, there is no financial incentive for them to be picked up by the drug companies – so they never make it into conventional medicine.
Objection #4 – “You get all the nutrients you need from a good diet.”
The most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reveals that most Americans are deficient in one or more essential nutrients. Daily multivitamin and mineral supplements engender health by helping to protect against nutritional deficiencies. Targeted supplements are used in therapeutic doses to treat specific health conditions.
Remember: Although it may be reassuring to have your physician’s approval, you don’t need his or her permission for using nutritional vitamin mineral treatments and supplements. Your health is your responsibility, and you control what goes into your body.
If you’re looking for nutritional vitamin mineral treatments, holistic nutritional supplementation therapy in Houston, then the integrative doctors at Comprehensive Health are ready to help you. Not only does our holistic therapy help you to become healthier naturally, it’s also proven to work through careful examination and documentation. All of our integrative therapies are designed to help get you back to better health quickly and efficiently. We never use harmful chemicals or dangerous invasive surgeries that can do more harm than good. Here at Comprehensive Health, we believe holistic medicine is the better option. Our highly knowledgeable and experienced integrative doctors will sit down with you and go over your procedure before you decide to undergo therapy, that way you know exactly what to expect and will be able to choose from a wide variety of healthy options. Contact Comprehensive Health today to see if integrative nutritional supplementation is right for you.